Thursday, November 28, 2019

Comparing America And Asias Elderly Care Social Work Essay Example

Comparing America And Asias Elderly Care Social Work Essay In general, society considers the aged as individuals above the ages of 60 or 65. This is normally the beginning of old age as a individual becomes less active in political, societal and economic personal businesss. Though there are aged individuals who are in good wellness and active members of their communities, bulk are the 1s whose physical and mental maps are on the diminution. Since they are non able to acquire along on their ain, bulk of the aged individuals require attending and attention from their loved 1s every bit good as friends. Consequently, psychologists use the term elderly attention to mention to the personal every bit good as medical attending that this group of the population receives. It is apparent that aged attention takes a assortment of signifiers, runing from personal attention such as eating and dressing, to medical attending. In add-on, the attention that a household chooses for its aged individuals will depend on their demands. This is because some of the aged individuals may still be in good wellness while others may be frail. Consequently, some of them may necessitate home-based attention while others may necessitate specialised attending in a nursing place or in a infirmary. Whatever the instance, the aged do necessitate some signifier of attention. In this survey, I shall concentrate on the American civilization and the Asiatic civilization, and do comparings between the two, in relation to the facet of caring for the aged. For the Asiatic civilization, I shall analyze the Japanese. In both United States of America and Japan, the figure of aged individuals is on the addition. This means that both authoritiess have to see and set in topographic point the best mechanisms to provide for this group of the population. Different communities accord the aged different signifiers of attention, depending on how their civilizations dictate. The manner a community perceives old age will therefore impact the mode in which it treats the aged. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing America And Asias Elderly Care Social Work specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing America And Asias Elderly Care Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing America And Asias Elderly Care Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The duty of caring for the aged in Caucasic and Nipponese civilizations lies chiefly with the adult female, because these societies consider her as an innate health professional due to her maternal abilities and inherent aptitudes. However, this is besides due to the fact that, over the old ages, the adult female has fewer chances in the economic scene, and as a consequence, she remains at place most of the clip to take attention of her kids and the aged. On the other manus, when the adult female is able to entree the labour market, she finds herself in places where she has to supply attention for others. Most nurses, school and infirmary matrons are adult females. However, in the above civilizations, kids besides participate in aged attention, as a signifier of compensation for the raising their parents gave them when they were immature. The American society places a batch of accent on remaining immature. Consequently, as Samovar et. Al. ( 2009 ) notes we find a civilization that prefers youth to old age. ( p.71 ) . This negative perceptual experience of old age makes the immature people avoid remaining together with the aged and caring for them. The older grownup population instead than the immature grownups are the 1s taking attention of the aged. This explains why some households in the United States give over their old relations to nursing places. This does non nevertheless intend that the immature cut all their links with their aged relations. They do supply support and keep contact with them. The nursing places are an option for the aged people who have no household or relations to look after them at place. This is particularly the instance for those who are physically handicapped and necessitate the aid of another individual to take attention of them. Though the nursing places have become the pick for most households with aged relations, they do hold their restrictions. Some of these establishments for the aged have become money-making ventures, hence cut downing their accent on the demands of the aged. Poor hygiene and deficiency of trained medical forces and quality intervention every bit good as hapless eating plans are some of the jobs the aged face in these nursing places. Furthermore, puting the aged in nursing places bounds their freedoms as they have to follow the stipulated plan. They can non take when to feed, kip, interact with their fellow housemates and can non maintain their properties. However, nursing places for the aged still remain the option for most American households, as at that place has non been much success with home-based attention. On a positive note, the aged individuals in American society have more groups of friends and neighbours whom they can travel to for support, than the elderly people in Nipponese society. This means that the American aged are likely to have attention from their friends and neighbours, apart from their immediate household members. However, the Americans normally tend to give particular attention to their aged merely after they learn that the latter are confronting a medical job. However, since the household is still the chief health professional for the aged, some of the American households employ professional nurses to take attention of their old at place, alternatively of directing them off to nursing places. Another ground for this is that, establishments for taking attention of the aged are expensive, and some of these households are non able to afford them. Furthermore, some households opt to take their aged to twenty-four hours nursing establishments, where they receive attention throughout the twenty-four hours and so return place in the eventide. This is suited for those people who are working and can non remain with the aged relations during the twenty-four hours as they have to describe to work. It is besides convenient for working grownups who can non afford specialized attention for their aged 1s, either at place or in a nursing establishment. In some cases, the aged individual may be able to populate in his or her ain house, and may be strong plenty non to necessitate specialised attending and attention. In such instances, the household members of such an aged individual find a house near other elderly people, in countries where the comfortss they need on a daily footing are readily available. This signifier of aged attention entreaties to the community and involves them in taking duty for this group of the population. On the economic forepart, some of the large corporate organisations have introduced benefit strategies for their employees, in order to assist them in caring for their aged relations. This is because most companies want to avoid losingss in production, due to holding employees who have to work piece at the same clip take attention of their aged relations. Some companies besides provide home-based attention services for the aged, but as a profit-making venture. This nevertheless, has a negative side to it as these privatized services are dearly-won and non many households are able to afford them. On the other manus, Asiatic civilization of the Japanese has a positive perceptual experience of the aged. It teaches the kids to esteem and care for the aged. The Nipponese see the household as the premier health professional for their aged, and in this instance, it is normally a female member of the household who carries out this responsibility. This is because the Nipponese believe that it is non in order to take the aged to a nursing place as this is tantamount to pretermiting one s duty of taking attention of one s parents. This besides makes the Nipponese households give the needed attention to their aged relations throughout their old age, instead than merely when they are confronting a wellness job. In the instance of aged people who are non related to the household, Nipponese married womans or their girls are the 1s who tend to give their aged friends the attention they need. Sometimes, the daughters-in-law besides give attention to the aged, particularly if the patient is female. However, if other friends and non relations are populating under the same roof with the aged individuals, they may supply the necessary attention to the latter. This is in contrast to the instance of the American aged who receive attention from their household every bit good as friends and neighbours. In Japan, the activity of giving attention to the aged is chiefly as an act of responsibility, instead than voluntary will. The health professional considers this act as 1 that he or she has to give, and in most instances, the Nipponese married woman will supply the aged attending at her hubby s petition. The dependance of the Nipponese aged on their immediate household is besides apparent in the fact that most of them rely on their partners and their kids for fiscal support. Since the Nipponese believe that giving the aged attention is a adult female s occupation, the work forces normally leave this undertaking to their married womans. However, though the Nipponese work forces are off from place most of the clip, they besides contribute to aged attention by giving their partners fiscal every bit good as emotional aid. Again, by take parting in looking after their kids, they allow their married womans to happen clip to take attention of the aged members of the household. Elderly attention in Japan still remains mostly in the custodies of the household, particularly for those who are non sallow and in demand of specialised medical attending. However, caring for the aged at place is no longer the lone option, and households have begun taking the old to nursing places. This is due to a figure of grounds such as the ripening of the household members supplying the attention every bit good as the increasing engagement of the Nipponese adult females in formal preparation and employment. Furthermore, Nipponese households are non populating in big Numberss as they did in the yesteryear. However, the figure of nursing places for the aged and professional health professionals is on the lessening because of the Nipponese belief that it is the immediate household which bears the duty of taking attention of their aged relations. The aged who are in demand of really small personal and wellness attention remain at place, but get visits from forces who attend to them. This happens either a few times a hebdomad or every twenty-four hours depending on the demands of the aged individual. Due to the lifting demand for wellness health professionals for the aged, Japan has sought the aid of attention forces from the Philippines. These health professionals are more experient and are willing to work at a low wage. Due to the addition in the aged population, fiscal resources have non been plenty to let households to set their relations under specialized attention at place and in nursing establishments. It is due to this state of affairs that infirmaries in Japan have offered to suit the aged who are in demand of both personal every bit good as medical attending. This manner, the aged in Japan can entree long-run attention. Though on a small-scale, the Nipponese aged engage in volunteering plans where they offer services to the community and in bend, they receive personal every bit good as medical attention. There are nevertheless some similarities in the facets of aged attention in American and Nipponese civilizations. Care for the aged is still one of the concerns of both the United States and Nipponese authoritiess, though they differ in their policies. America gives precedence to proviso of medical attending, pension for retired persons and shelter, while the Nipponese authorities came up with policies to set in topographic point insurance for every citizen including the aged, for a long-run period. In both states, the addition in aging members of the population has put a batch of force per unit area on the medical every bit good as retirement strategies. However, technological progresss in medical specialty have increased and they are being used to better the life-expectancy degrees of the American and Nipponese aging populations. Again, since adult females are progressively traveling into formal employment, the work forces in both states are besides going more and more involved in aged attention. In decision, due to lifestyle alterations, many people have started life in smaller groups and households, and are besides located far from each other. Consequently, caring for the aged can no longer be the duty of the immediate household entirely, but has to be a privilege of authoritiess, non governmental organisations every bit good as private establishments.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Outline some of the ways in which material deprivation may affect educational achievement Essay Essays

Outline some of the ways in which material deprivation may affect educational achievement Essay Essays Outline some of the ways in which material deprivation may affect educational achievement Essay Essay Outline some of the ways in which material deprivation may affect educational achievement Essay Essay Material want is when people have deficient physical resources to prolong life. and is common among low-class families. It affects educational accomplishment in many ways. including a non-nutritious diet and unequal lodging. Howard ( 2001 ) claimed that hapless nutrition leads to moo accomplishment at school because poorer places have a lower consumption of vitamins. minerals and energy which reduces children’s wellness and lowers their energy degrees. and will besides weaken their immune system. Malnourished kids will hold more clip off school due to illness. and their academic success will endure as a consequence. Attendance is affected by resort area strong-arming excessively. and this is sometimes caused by kids non having stylish or popular points ( for illustration. expensive trainers ) . If being stigmatised. kids may forge unwellness in order to jump school. and once more their classs will endure. Some kids may non hold clip to revise at place if they have to assist their parents with jobs and child care while they’re at work- many parents can’t afford to give up work or cut down their hours if their income is low. so tasks frequently fall on the older kids. Their alteration and prep completion can besides be affected by overcrowding in the family. as a survey infinite is needed for each kid in order to accomplish academic success. Overcrowding can take to illnesses distributing around the family easier every bit good. which once more affects attending. Many parents can non afford to travel location to be in a school’s catchment country. as a consequence a batch of kids aren’t able to travel to the better schools and have to do bash with those in propertyless countries. The opportunities of person from a propertyless household go oning instruction to degree degree is made improbable by the fright of debt installed in them from their poverty-stuck up bringings. University fees have become so high that many people can’t afford to travel and. even with loans. commutation and adjustment can do university excessively expensive. Peoples are hence put off the thought of go oning instruction and most lack aspiration for their hereafters. An of import effect of material want is that kids leave school at 16 to get down working. This allows them to go an economic plus through supplying money to their household. alternatively of necessitating school resources for another two old ages. Hasley wanted to happen out why so many kids from working-class households leave school at 16. and looked at stuff and cultural want. They found that the chief cause was really material want. which says that it’s non a deficiency of civilization and intelligence that prevents children’s academic accomplishment. but economic jobs alternatively. These two signifiers of want are linked. as both are at least partly caused by deficiency of income. Cultural want includes a deficiency of educational activities within the household. For illustration trips to the theatre may be common in middle-class households. whereas the working-class opt for cheaper option of entertainment- such as telecasting. This inability to afford socially acceptable agencies of amusement purportedly affects educational accomplishment as the kids don’t learn complex linguistic communication.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Criminal Law - Essay Example A mere revocation of license is not enough to compensate for the preventable death of a person caused by professional negligence resulting from a failure to extend the standard of care and treatment expected from established benchmarks of adequate medical practice (McClellan, 1994) and Kirk Johnsons position is quite understandable as he is lawyering for the AMA. (170) 2. I think that a doctor who caused serious harm due to fatigue, overwork, lack of sleep, inattention, or for any reason should still be held criminally liable because the patient relies on him completely. Although a physician is expected to heal and not to cause harm per their oath, again it is the standard of care that sets the benchmark of what is considered as adequate medical care, including being physically and mentally fit to give or render the expected care that patients want from health care providers. If a doctor is to be allowed the various defenses enumerated earlier, then there is no assurance anymore that patients get the standard of care they deserve. If a doctor feels tired and thinks he cannot perform in any safe manner, then he or she should refrain from practice to avoid a case similar to anesthesiologist Dr. Verbrugge, Sr. (Carlson, 1995).(151) 3. Some of the professions whose members can be held liable for negligence include the police such as not taking good care of suspects while in their custody, lawyers who are ignorant of the law and therefore also considered to fall under the definition of being negligent in their legal practice, teachers who failed to safeguard the students while they were in school, and firefighters who may have failed to save a potential fire victim due to some inadequacies or plain incompetence when they could have saved that person if they were not remiss in their duties. A school teacher is considered as a second or foster parent

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Viacom is Successful in 2011 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Viacom is Successful in 2011 - Case Study Example From this point, Viacom would have entirely taken a number of steps and guidelines in its acquisition so as to create better synergies. First and for most, Viacom had to stick to most of the established strategic goals and objectives including its vision that aims towards becoming a globally content provider. This could be done through ensuring that all the financial services have been duly delivered to customers. The other factor that was extremely necessary was the aspect of detailed planning. Here, planning can be taken to encompass cost saving (hard synergy) and revenue enhancement (soft synergy). Cost saving basically has to do with the aspects of redundancies such as the logistics, production, admin, among others, while Revenue enhancement on the other hand has to do with the aspect of cross-selling as well as strength-weakness and strength-strength matching (Hietala, Kaplan, et. al, 2002).   In summary, the ultimate cornerstones of for Viacom’s creation of better synergies can be taken to include the setting up of comprehensive and extensive strategies in terms of revenue enhancement and financing, beefing up operations through cross referencing and joint contracts acquisition, establishment of advanced management and ICT systems, and finally the aspect of establishing an outstanding culture that will enhance massive co-operation at the management

Monday, November 18, 2019

Communication Skills in a Cross-Culturally diverse Workplace Research Paper

Communication Skills in a Cross-Culturally diverse Workplace - Research Paper Example It means languages and gestures alone can have effects on people from various cultures. In today’s business environment employees ought to be cautious to make sure that their intended information are comprehended plainly. Forbidden topics of discussion, impartiality in political, spiritual and social topics vary across cultures thus creating a challenge for workmates to find a level ground when conversing. Not long ago it was a common practice for business practitioners to create their distinct communication methods in handling suppliers, customers and partners. However presently corporate mangers must take the initiative to learn the cultural differences among their organizations before trying to build a relationship with individuals from other nations. For example a Texan oil baron has to recognize that grabbing his Chinese suppliers arm in a solid grasp is a bad gesture however a slight smile and bow are the suitable mode of greeting. David (2010) notes that body language and verbal communication are more crucial today than before in handling global business because innocent mannerisms, handshakes, and posture can lead to conflict between employees from different cultures of business associates. When change is taking place in an organization communication is further more necessary to carry out that change efficiently. Yet one major issue for present businesses is that transformation is not always relayed effectively. Poor communication during business transformation is said to have a negative impact in the manner in which organizations operate Zaremba (2003). For instance poor communication can lead to opposition to transformation also act as wider harmful influence on business culture? The objective of this research paper is to examine effective transformation communication in the work environment. Regardless of the significance of communication to prosperous business change, how practitioners and experts visualize

Friday, November 15, 2019

Virtual project management

Virtual project management Section 1: Literature Survey Introduction: The virtual project management concept is gaining its importance due to globalization of industries. The report mainly focuses on the evolution of project management and changes in approach of project management methodologies. It also highlights the aspects of traditional project management and modern project management. The difference between classical project management approach, contemporary project management approach and virtual project management approach is also discussed with their advantages and disadvantages in this report. The drawbacks of virtual project management are discussed and their existing solutions are also highlighted along with the features of virtual teams. Project Management Institute has defined Project Management is application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques applied to project activities in order to achieve the goal.(PMI,2004) Evolution of Project Management: Project Management has been practiced for hundreds of years dating back to the Egyptian epoch. However in the min 1950s many organizations has started applying formal project management tools and techniques to various projects. Author Azzopadri has divided development of project management in four periods. [1] Prior to 1958: this period is known as ‘craft system to human relation due to evolution of technologies. During this time evolution of technologies such as automobile and telecommunication helped for minimizing project timings, because automobile contributed in resources allocation and mobility. Telecommunication system increased speed of communication. In addition to this Henry Gantt invented Gantt chart which helped for effective planning of project. [2]1959 to 1979: this period is known as ‘Application of Management Services because of significant development of technologies. The core project management tools like Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) were introduced. However this period was characterized by rapid development of computer technology. In 1970 effective project management tool Material Requirement Planning (MRP) was introduced.  Ã‚   [3]1980 to 1994 :this period is characterized by revolutionary development in the information management sector with introduction of Personal Computer (PC) and associated computer communication network facilities. This development resulted in managing and controlling complex project schedules. Furthermore project management techniques were more accessible due to low cost project management software for PC. [4]1995 to present: this period is dominated by development related to internet, which changed business processes dramatically in mid-1990. The internet has provided fast interactive and customized new medium that resulted in making firms more productive, more efficient and more client oriented. Furthermore the development in softwares and internet facilities lead to various approaches of project management. (Azzopadri, 2006) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) defines the traditional project management as set of tools and techniques that can be used together to an activity that seeks an end product, outcome, or a service. (PMBOK, 2004). As per Frame (2002) the reasons for the fall of traditional Project Management are success and failure is assessed against achieving scheduled, specifications and budget but not assessed against customer satisfaction. Another problem in traditional Project Management is it single minded approach for tools like scheduling, costing and resource allocation. This is fixed set of tools which involves CPM (Critical Path Method), PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique), Gantt charts, S-shape budget curves. (Frame, 2002) Modern Project management: Modern project management is well understood discipline that can give predictable and repeatable results. The methods used in modern project management are highly analytical, automated tools and developed project management softwares to support large projects.(Howes, 2001). In traditional project management, planning and control methods are very specific and controlled, once a phase is over the next stage will start and it will continue in decided sequence. However it is difficult to carry out perfect sequence in perfect time because of some factors as the world is not perfect. However in modern project management much more flexibility is built in system. It focuses on features of the project instead of focusing on every specific task. The sequence of the project can be adjusted to meet with environmental, business, material and other changes. This results in beneficial project management.(Rose, 2011) The rise of internet and development of collaborating softwares have introduced new aspect to Project Management. The success of project is recognised on the profit-loss status. Therefore, there is heightened pressure to assure that projects are successful in terms of deliverable results, cost, and delivery date. Global projects with virtual teams have developed a way by which the cost and duration of projects can be cut down while maintaining a sound control on quality and scope of projects. (Rad et al, 2003). The globalization of business has resulted in greater interest in more comprehensive suit of the best practices of project management. Virtual Project Management: Virtual Project Management is the system by which virtual teams work together for determinate period of time for specific goal.(Rolfs, 2006). Virtual teams are the merger of the Information Technology (IT) and organisational behaviour domains (Bissoonauth, 2002) and it is defined by Gignag (2005) as â€Å"a group of workers who are geographically dispersed but not distributed across expansive geographic locations. They are working together towards a common goal and using electronic communication as their primary medium†. The main difference of virtual teams from traditional teams is â€Å"separation by time and distance† (Cascio et al, 2003) Table 1 summarises huge changes in the area of project management. Actually it focuses on two particular periods classical and contemporary, considering that these boundaries differ from industry to industry. Classical Project Management Contemporary Project Management Virtual Project Management Aim/ Focus To Completing project on time in given budget To deliver good quality under budget and in time To achieve the best quality in least possible time and cost How to Manage Managing by walking Managing by tele-communication Managing by clarity of communication. Understanding on methodologies, goals and processes. Practice What was the last best in our company What is currently best in the world Best in the world but improvised to suit local environment. Standards Local National Global standards IS for supporting PM Outsourced Integrated in companies Information System /Information Technology (IS/IT) Part of companys Information System /Information Technology with dependency on outsourcing service providers Project Managers Selected ad-hoc from senior managers who are experienced in that area. Project Management professional requirements with special training Certified Project Management professional managers and multicultural exposure Manager Manages single Project Manages multiple projects with IS/IT support Manages multiple, multi-vendor, cross pole projects affecting multiple cultures Team Member Assigned to one project only Assigned to more than one project with support of IS/IT Afford to utilize specialized skill set available at any corner of the world with lowest cost possible Critical Resources Money, time, people Money, time, people, knowledge, IT support Money, time, people, knowledge, IT support and Global Outsource service providers Who is applying PM all sort of endeavours with engineering background In all business organizations and by individual entrepreneurs   Spreading in organizations and individuals encompassing areas that were unheard before like teaching, vendor negotiation, media, healthcare, office secretarial work. (Desai et al, 2006) The rise of Virtual project management: Due to changes and fluctuations of current global economy the pressure on enterprises has been increased. The management and organizations of various design, construction, production services and other projects has become more decentralized due to development of information technology, e-commerce and globalization. A virtual team involves project manager and certain virtual teams depending on company. In recent years virtual project teams has become first choice to many enterprises because it helps in reducing time and cost, sharing knowledge, making full use of capabilities of the staff, improving working environment, increasing the enthusiasm of the staff, carrying out cross cultural activities and enhancing the quality of product. The given figure shows major attributes of virtual project management. Virtual project management mainly involves controlling and leading of virtual teams. Virtual Teams are defined here as group of workers of geographically and organizationally dispersed knowledge works brought together across time and space through information and communication technologies in order to specific customer needs or to complete unique projects.(Krill et al, 1997). However, Peterson and Storh has defines virtual teams as a â€Å"group of individuals who work across time space and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology. They have complementary skills and are committed to a common purpose, have independent performance goals, and share an approach to work for which they hold themselves mutually accountable†. Along with definition Peterson and Storh has introduced seven types of different virtual teams. The basic types of virtual teams are as follows Networked teams: group of individuals who act as a team to achieve common goal, membership is fluid and diffuse. Parallel teams: work in short term to develop solutions for improvement in process; membership is distinct Project teams: conduct projects for clients for a specific period of time, team has decision taking authority Production teams: perform regular work, clearly defined membership Service teams: support consumers in typical service role around the clock Management teams: work collaboratively on a daily basis within functional division Action teams: gives quick response and activated in emergency The significant advantage of virtual team is that the resources of virtual project organization can be arrange quickly and cost effectively (Rad et al, 2002). In addition to this Rad has stated that virtual projects allow organization to form joint ventures for short and specific time of period for significant purpose. Juhre (2001) notes, at a time skilled technical resources are required then virtual project becomes a success factor organization. Comparison of Virtual teams and traditional teams: The major difference in virtual teams and traditional teams is the diversity and different locations of team members as well as organizations. Features of virtual teams: Many sectors like construction industries, engineering (manufacturing, chemical and production), software development industries, customer services and call centre industries are using virtual project management for efficient outcome. The International Technology Association (2004) defines engineering as involving â€Å"the knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practices that are applied with judgement and creativity to develop ways to utilize the materials and forces of nature for the befit of human being†.(Joseph, 2005) Each step requires the skills and expertise of an engineer in different ways such to operate, teach the operation, or to sell the product.(Simpson, 2004) Offshore outsourcing is the generic term when companies are using virtual teams for the completion of project.(Lieberman, 2004) In software development industry virtual project management is widely used. Requirements of clients in software development industry changes time to time. And to find appropriate talent to give satisfied service to customer virtual project management is very essential in software development industry. Now a days many firms and companies are using Virtual project management for better performance. With the advent of latest internet technologies all the communication between the client, project manager and virtual teams is carried out through VOIP, email, Instant messages, online screen sharing etc. this enables the client to access the data regardless of the position of the virtual teams. The required data/source code is stored in repositories which are managed by the project manager. Hence project manager acts as an interface between the virtual teams and the client. Issues in Virtual Project management: The issues in Virtual project management are depending on areas of virtual world and factors which can impact on project management. The main areas of virtual world are Physical variable Culture Organization Depending on these three areas Virtual project management model (VPModel) has been developed. 1. Physical variables: This is the area of space and time. The issues raised in this area because of distance between project members. Geographical distance: By using software tools for (EPM) project team member communicate with project manager. But EMP decreases performance in poorly skilled teams which is expensive (Kanawattanachai et al, 2002). And creates stress rises ethical questions (Keyzermann, 2003) Different Time zones: Due to different time zones work can be done on continuous basis (Lau, 2004). In case where real meeting are essential, time and cost for travelling are expensive and due to jet lag efficiency of work can be reduced (Kayworth et al, 2002) and such disadvantages can decrease commitment towards project (Godar et al, 2004) Conflicts:Conflicts cab be raised by cultural difference, diversity and misunderstanding. Cooperation: It includes every issue that allows people to work together (Rehinhard et al, 1994) Cooperation includes virtual meetings, sharing of information etc. however cooperation is depend on communication style. 2. Culture: In the virtual project management all project members used to have different background culture and these people brought together to achieve common goal, so many fundamental issues arises in project management. Due to different culture virtual team differs in language, working methodology, which leads to lack of trust and misunderstanding between project members.(Kyzerman, 2003) One more disadvantage in working cross culture is use of technology. When modular and simple technology is used for minimizing the gap, then the possibility of error in executing project increases. (Dafermos, 2001) 3. Organization Organisational scattering refers to â€Å"the degree to which a virtual team consists of individual who work across organizational boundaries†(Shin, 2005). In organizational area the main issues are Electronic security, hackers are valid threat for virtual projects. And other major issue in this area is sharing of information in various organizations which are working on same project. 4. Other than above mentioned issues other issues are leadership quality and effective communication. This issue can be resolved by using multicultural exposed personnel as project manager who has optimum qualification. Summary:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Math Coursework - The Fencing Problem :: Math Coursework Mathematics

The Fencing Problem Introduction A farmer has exactly 1000 metres of fencing and wants to use it to fence a plot of level land. The farmer was not interested in any specific shape of fencing but demanded that the understated two criteria must be met:  · The perimeter remains fixed at 1000 metres  · It must fence the maximum area of land Different shapes of fence with the same perimeter can cover different areas. The difficulty is finding out which shape would cover the maximum area of land using the fencing with a fixed perimeter. Aim The aim of the investigation is to find out which shape or shapes of fencing will cover the maximum area of land using exactly 1000 metres of fencing material. Prediction I am predicting that the maximum area of land covered will be achieved by using the fencing shapes with the greatest number of sides. Method I made a list of possible different shapes to be investigated and assigned measurements to the sides of the shapes making sure that they fit in within the perimeter of 1000 metres of fencing. I then worked out the areas of each shape using known mathematical formulae and techniques such as Pythagoras' theorem to calculate the sides of right angled triangles; using trigonometrical functions (sine, tangent and cosine) to calculate either angles or sides of triangles constructed. Sometimes there are no known exact formulae for working out the area of certain shapes such as octagon and more complex polygons. In such cases, given shapes are split into shapes that have known formulae for areas and the worked out the areas are added together. Areas of the following shapes were investigated: square, rectangle, kite, parallelogram, equilateral triangle, scalene triangle, isosceles triangle, right-angled triangle, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon and octagon. Results The results of the analysis are shown in Table 1 and Fig 1. Table 1 showing the areas for the different shapes formed by using the